Tonic has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2021, as "a pioneer in the burgeoning field of data synthesis."
In the words of Fast Company, “The list honors the businesses that have not only found a way to be resilient in the past year, but also turned those challenges into impact-making processes. These companies did more than survive, they thrived—making an impact on their industries and culture as a whole.”
Subsetting and Synthesis FTW
Data synthesis as an industry is in its earliest days, with many approaches still deep in the research and development phase. What sets Tonic apart—and earned us this recognition—is our focus on enabling complex subsetting before any data transformations are performed. This is a core component of the work that Tonic is advancing at companies like eBay.
With big data getting bigger by the minute, it often isn’t feasible for teams to de-identify or synthesize their data without subsetting it first. Working from a subset of the data streamlines the process significantly.
The subsetter in our synthetic data platform works across multiple databases of different types and allows for targeting as many tables as needed for the seed data, to create highly accurate subsets tailored to specific use cases. We help teams extract the data they need out of the vast ecosystem of data that they have, while guaranteeing data privacy. By preserving the data’s referential integrity along the way, we enable them to generate data that is both safe and useful for QA, testing, and product development.
It's truly an honor for Tonic’s technology to be recognized as groundbreaking in a field that is redefining how we work with data. We believe database subsetting and synthesis will play a critical role in the future of software development and see a huge opportunity to continue helping our customers move faster while protecting their most important asset.
What’s Next?
Fast Company’s editors and writers seek out “the most groundbreaking businesses across the globe and industries…[to provide] both a snapshot and a road map for the future of innovation across the most dynamic sectors of the economy.”
“In a year of unprecedented challenges, the companies on this list exhibit fearlessness, ingenuity, and creativity in the face of crisis,” said Fast Company Deputy Editor David Lidsky.
Fearlessness, ingenuity, and creativity—we couldn’t agree more, and we’re so proud of our team for embodying these traits in each of their roles. The innovation doesn’t end here. We’re just getting started, and we’d love to have you join us as we push the envelope in the realm of data synthesis.