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What is differential privacy?

Differential privacy is a mathematical framework that limits the amount of personal information revealed by data outputs. It allows organizations to share insights and analyze data about groups while protecting the privacy of individuals. By incorporating carefully calibrated noise into data analyses, differential privacy ensures that the inclusion or exclusion of a single individual’s data has little to no effect on the overall results. This technique enables secure data sharing without compromising individual confidentiality.

How does differential privacy work?

1. Injecting noise

Differential privacy adds carefully calibrated noise to statistical computations or datasets. This obscures individual-level details while maintaining the overall patterns and utility of the data.

2. Guaranteeing similar outputs

The results of a differentially private analysis remain approximately the same whether or not an individual’s data is included in the dataset. This ensures privacy is preserved while still enabling meaningful insights.

3. Protecting against privacy attacks

Differential privacy defends against advanced privacy attacks, including:

  • Re-identification attacks: Preventing attackers from linking anonymized data to specific individuals.
  • Record linkage attacks: Protecting against attempts to associate records across datasets.
  • Differencing attacks: Mitigating risks from comparing datasets to reveal sensitive information.

Applications of differential privacy

Differential privacy is widely used across industries and technologies to protect sensitive data:

  • Apple: Apple utilizes differential privacy to collect and analyze user data, such as emoji usage and typing habits, in a manner that protects individual user identities. This approach allows Apple to enhance features like QuickType and emoji suggestions without compromising user privacy. 
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn employs differential privacy techniques to provide audience engagement insights while safeguarding user data. This ensures that analytics related to user interactions are conducted without exposing personal information.

Benefits of differential privacy

1. Protects individual privacy

Differential privacy ensures that individual data remains anonymous and indistinguishable, even under sophisticated attack scenarios.

2. Facilitates secure data sharing

Organizations can share insights from sensitive data for research or reporting without exposing individual-level details.

3. Meets regulatory requirements

Differential privacy techniques align with privacy laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA by effectively anonymizing sensitive information.

4. Maintains data utility

Despite adding noise, differential privacy preserves the overall statistical validity and usability of datasets, enabling meaningful analysis.

How supports differential privacy offers differential privacy within its platform for data de-identification and synthesis to enable organizations to securely use and share data without compromising privacy. For more details, explore our product docs.

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