Direct access to Ephemeral Cloud databases - For databases created as of version 064, you no longer use an SSH tunnel to connect to the database, just the basic connection information. To limit database access, you can create an allowlist of IP addresses that are permitted to access your Ephemeral Cloud databases.
Updated the DNS database access method to use NodePort services instead of HostPorts on the database pods.
The connection details for databases are now displayed on the Connection Details tab of the database details panel. Previously they were displayed on a separate panel.
The user menu now displays the Ephemeral version number.
If the most recent snapshot for a deactivated database is deleted, then when you try to reactivate the database, the confirmation panel now indicates that the database will start with earlier data.
For the workloads in an Ephemeral deployment, the Helm chart now allows you to specify the node selectors and the toleration key, value, effect, and operator values.